Leadership Team

Lisa Henthorne
Stakeholder Coordinator
[email protected]
Lisa Henthorne, P.E., serves as Sr. Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Water Standard where
she works to advance efficient, cost-effective and sustainable water solutions for the oil and gas
industry. She served as the President of the non-profit Produced Water Society, is Chair of the
Board of Directors of H2O Innovation, and is a member of the NAWI Research Advisory Council.
Starting her career at Chevron, she focused on waterflooding and produced water treatment in U.S. oil
production. After leaving Chevron, Henthorne spent 13 years at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, where
she eventually led their water research programs. During this time, she was seconded by the U.S. State
Department to serve as the initial Research Director of the Middle East Desalination Center in Muscat,
Oman. Subsequently, she lived and worked internationally, developing seawater desalination and large
water infrastructure projects in the Middle East, Asia and Australia.
Upon joining Water Standard twelve years ago, her initial work focused on developing customized water
chemistries to enhance oil recovery in low salinity and chemical enhanced oil recovery schemes. Over
time, her work expanded to include innovative produced water treatment solutions including safe
discharge back into the water cycle.
Lisa holds a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Colorado School of Mines and a
Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Missouri State University, Summa Cum Laude. She holds
multiple U.S. and international patents in water treatment.
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